05.07.2022 | Siedler

Andreas Kossert's New Article: The Refugee in All of Us


On the occasion of June 20, World Refugee Day, the award-winning political and cultural newspaper The New European published the article by our author Andreas Kossert: "The Refugee in All of Us". 

From the article: "Refugee stories provide a different view of the world and show the fragile nature of our existence. Listening to individuals is a key tool for empathy. It also helps to overcome the anonymous numbers that populism uses to attack refugees. It is long overdue that refugees should be subjects of history who change and shape societies instead of merely helpless victims. Their voices should be heard in order to enable sustainable support and solidarity. Finally, refugees should never be simply accepted as “collateral damage” to conflict and war. Because they remind us all that at some point it could be us."

You can read the full article here.

Kossert's book Uprooted – The Refugee in World History (Flucht – Eine Menschheitsgeschichte) was published by Siedler in 2020.

It is the winner of the "NDR Kultur Non-Fiction Prize 2020" and also awarded the „The Political Book 2021“ Prize by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation. 

Read more here

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