Reference Books Autumn 2022



Volker Mehl, Inga Heckmann

The Ayurveda Life Compass

Unfolding your own potential in ten beneficial steps – Tips on exercise, mindset, breath, mindfulness, nutrition, lifestyle

Date of publication: October 19, 2022
Paperback | 224 pages
This manual succinctly and practically presents the quintessence of Ayurveda and illustrates the ten core Ayurvedic aspects for a successful life. It shows us how to lead a contemporary healthy l...

Peter Niemann

The Power Hormone Testosterone

Why it is so important for men, and how to increase it naturally – for better health, fitness, and stamina

Date of publication: August 17, 2022
Paperback | 192 pages
Testosterone is the most important male sex hormone. A normal level is crucial for male health. It enables optimal performance, high concentration, and a fulfilling sex life. Dr. Peter Niemann ex...

Ulrich Strunz

Experiencing Healing – Recognising and Overcoming Hidden Illnesses

What is really behind riddling symptoms

Date of publication: August 31, 2022
Paperback | 224 pages
Chronically fatigued, constantly catching a cold, plagued by recurring aches and pains? Many people suffer for years from a range of diffuse complaints and a feeling of malaise that won’t go away...

Oliver Dierssen

When Your Own Child Is a Stranger to You (and You to Your Child)

How new trust arises from rejection

Date of publication: October 13, 2022
Hardcover | 352 pages
When a child comes into the world, parents have the great opportunity to start a whole new relationship. Most want to raise the happiest child in the world. They are ready to do everything to mak...

Frauke Ludwig, Diana Schwarz

Simply Carry

The carrying guide – for more closeness and good bonding

Date of publication: August 24, 2022
Paperback | 160 pages
Humans are baby carriers. Two-thirds of the world’s population carries their children in a baby sling or special baby carriers. However, the great variety of products available often creates conf...

Stefanie Nüßlein, Cornelia Ott

Living with Long Covid

A guide for regaining energy, overall health, and quality of life

Date of publication: June 27, 2022
Paperback | 208 pages | With illustrations from: Ronja Overländer
Although there is still much research to be done, some treatments can already be identified. Stefanie Nüßlein, a psychologist and herself afflicted, along with her treating physician, acquaintanc...

Petra Schleifer, Antonie Post

Health Knows No Weight – The Anti-Diet Book

With a self-coaching program for body acceptance, intuitive eating, and joy in movement

Date of publication: September 28, 2022
Paperback | 224 pages
Diets fail with a probability of well over 90 percent. Two out of three people weigh more after a diet than before. It is certainly time for a paradigm shift! After struggling for many years with...

Florian Sturm

Porsche, Pizza, and Prostate – Basic Prevention for the Invincible Man (and the Other Men as Well)

The top eight early diagnoses

Date of publication: July 18, 2022
Paperback | 256 pages
Men are notoriously inept at taking care of their health. Especially preventive care – the idea that you must do things before it’s too late – has little appeal to them. But even those who don’t ...

Christiane Kolb

Sex Education from the Very Beginning

Talking to children about their bodies, their feelings, and sexuality

Date of publication: August 24, 2022
Hardcover | 256 pages
Why does my child always have his hand down his pants? What do I say when my child asks me how her little brother got into Mum’s tummy? Do I need to talk about it all now? Isn’t it way too early ...

Nicola Schmidt

Species-Appropriate through Everyday Family Life

… because real life needs real solutions!

Answers to the most common parenting questions

Date of publication: August 31, 2022
Hardcover | 240 pages
Species-appropriate is a wonderful approach to raising children – if only it weren’t for the day after day irritations! Morning stress, constant bickering between siblings, the mother-in-law who ...

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